Tuesday, February 9, 2016


So I received my orders yesterday!!  usually there is about a full month or two to make arraignments and get going.... not this year!  So I will be reporting in beginning of March to BOLC at Ft. Sam Houston... I decided to drive there (almost 3 months with no car would not be fun).  So I am in the process of dealing with transportation office via (move.mil) and need them to pack my stuff up next week, giving me a few days to spend with my family, then the long drive to TX (1,700 miles).  I am trying to plan it so I will be able to stop in some interesting cities along the way.  New Orleans is #1 on the list and it will be the start of Madi Gras so I'm kind excited to check that out, may even work the schedule so I can stay an extra day there and check out the city.  other stops are TBA, i'm hoping my friend Gina will join me, her brother just moved to San Antonio so I would have company for the drive and she gets to see family (win-win).  Over all orders look just like the example on the BLOC website, I already knew where I was going to be stationed, so this just confirmed that I'm officially going to WRAIR after training is complete.  Well I'm off to a briefing on how transportation office works, and then chaotic last minute verification that I have everything in place for my dogs to be taken care of while i'm gone....