Monday, January 4, 2016

Scroll Pending and Swearing in

So I haven't updated this in a while, pretty much because there was nothing to update.....  Scroll finally went through and this Friday I will be swearing in.  When this happens there will also be contracts and other forms for me to sign, i'll write about that when I get a look a them and know exactly what they are.  Otherwise I managed to purchase most of my uniforms in December (Uniforms are tax deductible, so instead of having to wait an entire year, and probably loosing the receipts or just forgetting about them, purchase as much as you can in December and file it on your upcoming taxes!) They will give a one time $600 stipend, which isn't much considering the number of uniforms you need to purchase for training (think between $1100 to $1800)  depending if you have things you can use already..... Have I mentioned I didn't even own a single pair of regulation socks.... yup had to purchase EVERYTHING... and it was painful.  The $600 will cover your dress ASU, if you get the bare bones quality one, but if you think you will be wearing it a fair amount then you may want to consider an upgrade in material, Marlowe White is a great option.  The other issue I encounters is my height, i'm 5'9" and female, long arms and legs so need to find longs and extra long in almost everything.... PT clothes do not have this option so my long sleeve PT shirt is a medium, and it looks like i'm swimming in it.... but the smalls look like I shrunk the shirt while doing laundry....  That's it for now.  Hope this is helping someone??


  1. Do you happen to know how many people were selected this year out of how many applicants?

  2. Do you happen to know how many people were selected this year out of how many applicants?

  3. Hopefully this will post this time:
    I do not know how many applications were Recieved this year, but was told 4 71A's were selected.

  4. Hi,
    Congrats on your orders! I will be applying to graduate programs this year, and I was wondering if 71A is a reasonable goal for a masters degree in microbiology? I am 30 this year so I'm too old, imo, for a doctorate. Now that you're in, is a PhD more of a requirement than a suggestion where you are now? I think 71A is an amazing opportunity if one can get in, which you did! Any advice on academics or help would be so much help. Like the requirements as far as a year of lab experience...I'm not sure if you have to work in a DoD lab or in any lab. Thanks for your help. I would love to know how you like your job too!

  5. Hi,
    I am applying for graduate school this year and I don't know if I should apply to PhD programs or Ms programs too. Personally, I would like to do a Masters degree in Micro and then apply to 71A, but I'm not sure if they really want PhDs. Any advice would be so helpful. This is something I've been curious about for a couple years because I'm a non-traditional student and PhD tenure tracks and all that are a little out of my league time-wise. And the lab experience, do they want that experience explicitly from a DoD lab or from any lab. Thanks again.

  6. HI! There are several things to take into consideration with your graduate school, also with your hope to join the army. First the Army is at a draw down, reducing it's force in almost every area, this is making positions harder to obtain and more competitive. In the past several years I only have knowledge of one 71A with a masters degree, and for that person to be competitive for promotion past Captain they are already looking at getting a PhD. all of the 71A's I have worked with and encountered hold at least a PhD, some with multiple Post-doc fellowships. In addition, I would also tell you that there is no such thing as a "traditional" PhD student... many PhD students are older, not deciding to pursue this degree until they have had "real World" experience, or those that have started a family and then decided to go back to school. It is generally a mix bag of ages and stages in life, very different from undergrad. As such I wouldn't count out the possibility of Tenure if academia is something you want to pursue. No matter what you decide I would urge you to think big picture, what you choose to study now can influence your career path in the future. I knew before I started my PhD that I did not want to go into Academia, and choose a lab that had funding from other governmental organizations (NSF, DOE,DOD for example). I did one post doc at a university, but it was a project funded by the DOD, while my second post doc was at an army base (It gave me familiarity with how things in in the government run (very different from academia), along with helping me decide if this was the route I wanted to take for my career. I apologize for the delay in responding, I am loving my job, I am in the DC area which is great for things to do, and I am excited and happy to be able to take on more responsibilities and challenges with my research. If you have any further questions please feel free to ask!
